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Text 40
rūpaṁ tan mahad-āścaryaṁ
nanāma daṇḍavad bhūmau
prahṛṣṭātmā prajāpatiḥ
rūpam — transcendental form; tat — that; mahat-āścaryam — greatly wonderful; vicakṣya — seeing; āgata-sādhvasaḥ — in the beginning becoming afraid; nanāma — offered obeisances; daṇḍa-vat — like a stick; bhūmau — on the ground; prahṛṣṭa-ātmā — being pleased in his body, mind and soul; prajāpatiḥ — the prajāpati known as Dakṣa.
Seeing that wonderful and effulgent form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Prajāpati Dakṣa was first somewhat afraid, but then he was very pleased to see the Lord, and he fell to the ground like a stick to offer his respects to the Lord.