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Text 18

uddhavaḥ sātyakiś caiva
vyajane paramādbhute
vikīryamāṇaḥ kusumai
reje madhu-patiḥ pathi

uddhavaḥ — a cousin-brother of Kṛṣṇa’s; sātyakiḥ — His driver; ca — and; eva — certainly; vyajane — engaged in fanning; parama-adbhute — decorative; vikīryamāṇaḥ — seated on scattered; kusumaiḥ — flowers all around; reje — commanded; madhu-patiḥ — the master of Madhu (Kṛṣṇa); pathi — on the road.

Uddhava and Sātyaki began to fan the Lord with decorated fans, and the Lord, as the master of Madhu, seated on scattered flowers, commanded them along the road.

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