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Text 2

śokena śuṣyad-vadana-
hṛt-sarojo hata-prabhaḥ
vibhuṁ tam evānusmaran
nāśaknot pratibhāṣitum

śokena — due to bereavement; śuṣyat-vadana — drying up of the mouth; hṛt-sarojaḥ — lotuslike heart; hata — lost; prabhaḥ — bodily luster; vibhum — the Supreme; tam — unto Lord Kṛṣṇa; eva — certainly; anusmaran — thinking within; na — could not; aśaknot — be able; pratibhāṣitum — properly replying.

Due to grief, Arjuna’s mouth and lotuslike heart had dried up. Therefore his body lost all luster. Now, remembering the Supreme Lord, he could hardly utter a word in reply.

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