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Texts 48-49

deśaḥ kālaḥ pṛthag dravyaṁ
mantra-tantrartvijo ’gnayaḥ
devatā yajamānaś ca
kratur dharmaś ca yan-mayaḥ

sa eva bhagavān sākṣād
viṣṇur yogeśvareśvaraḥ
jāto yaduṣv ity āśṛṇma
hy api mūḍhā na vidmahe

deśaḥ — the place; kālaḥ — time; pṛthak dravyam — particular items of paraphernalia; mantra — Vedic hymns; tantra — prescribed rituals; ṛtvijaḥ — priests; agnayaḥ — and the sacrificial fires; devatā — the presiding demigods; yajamānaḥ — the performer; ca — and; kratuḥ — the offering; dharmaḥ — the pious reaction; ca — and; yat — whom; mayaḥ — constituting; saḥ — He; eva — indeed; bhagavān — the Supreme Personality of Godhead; sākṣāt — directly; viṣṇuḥ — Lord Viṣṇu; yoga-īśvara-īśvaraḥ — the Lord of all mystic controllers; jātaḥ — taken birth; yaduṣu — among the Yadu dynasty; iti — thus; āśṛṇma — we have heard; hi — certainly; api — nevertheless; mūḍhāḥ — foolish; na vidmahe — we could not understand.

All the aspects of sacrifice — the auspicious place and time, the various items of paraphernalia, the Vedic hymns, the prescribed rituals, the priests and sacrificial fires, the demigods, the patron of the sacrifice, the sacrificial offering and the pious results obtained — all are simply manifestations of His opulences. Yet even though we had heard that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Viṣṇu, the Lord of all mystic controllers, had taken birth in the Yadu dynasty, we were so foolish that we could not recognize Śrī Kṛṣṇa to be none other than Him.

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