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Text 4

akṣauhiṇībhir viṁśatyā
tisṛbhiś cāpi saṁvṛtaḥ
yadu-rājadhānīṁ mathurāṁ
nyarudhat sarvato diśam

akṣauhiṇībhiḥ — by akṣauhiṇī divisions (each consisting of 21,870 soldiers on elephants, 21,870 charioteers, 65,610 cavalrymen and 109,350 infantry soldiers); viṁśatyā — twenty; tisṛbhiḥ ca api — plus three; saṁvṛtaḥ — surrounded; yadu — of the dynasty of Yadu; rājadhānīm — the royal capital; mathurām — Mathurā; nyarudhat — he besieged; sarvataḥ diśam — on all sides.

With a force of twenty-three akṣauhiṇī divisions, he laid siege to the Yadu capital, Mathurā, on all sides.

The numbers involved in an akṣauhiṇī division are given in the word meanings. An akṣauhiṇī was a standard fighting force in ancient times.

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