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Text 34

kaccid vaḥ kuśalaṁ brahman
rājato yasya hi prajāḥ
sukhaṁ vasanti viṣaye
pālyamānāḥ sa me priyaḥ

kaccit — whether; vaḥ — your; kuśalam — well-being; brahman — O brāhmaṇa; rājataḥ — from the King; yasya — whose; hi — indeed; prajāḥ — subjects; sukham — happily; vasanti — reside; viṣaye — in the state; pālyamānāḥ — being protected; saḥ — he; me — to Me; priyaḥ — dear.

O brāhmaṇa, is your King attending to your welfare? Indeed, that king in whose country the citizens are happy and protected is very dear to Me.

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