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Text 37

asādhv idaṁ tvayā kṛṣṇa
kṛtam asmaj-jugupsitam
vapanaṁ śmaśru-keśānāṁ
vairūpyaṁ suhṛdo vadhaḥ

asādhu — improperly; idam — this; tvayā — by You; kṛṣṇa — O Kṛṣṇa; kṛtam — done; asmat — for Us; jugupsitam — terrible; vapanam — the shaving; śmaśru-keśānām — of his mustache and hair; vairūpyam — the disfigurement; suhṛdaḥ — of a family member; vadhaḥ — death.

[Lord Balarāma said:] My dear Kṛṣṇa, You have acted improperly! This deed will bring shame on Us, for to disfigure a close relative by shaving off his mustache and hair is as good as killing him.

Omniscient Balarāma knew that Rukmī was the guilty party, but to encourage the lamenting Rukmiṇī He decided to gently reproach Śrī Kṛṣṇa

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