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Text 20

śrī-kālindy uvāca
ahaṁ devasya savitur
duhitā patim icchatī
viṣṇuṁ vareṇyaṁ vara-daṁ
tapaḥ paramam āsthitaḥ

śrī-kālindī uvāca — Śrī Kālindī said; aham — I; devasya — of the demigod; savituḥ — Savitā (the sun-god); duhitā — the daughter; patim — as my husband; icchatī — desiring; viṣṇum — Lord Viṣṇu; vareṇyam — the most choice; vara-dam — bestower of one’s choice; tapaḥ — in austerities; paramam — extreme; āsthitaḥ — engaged.

Śrī Kālindī said: I am the daughter of the sun-god. I desire to get as my husband the most excellent and munificent Lord Viṣṇu, and to that end I am performing severe penances.

As Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī points out, Śrīmatī Kālindī correctly understood that Lord Viṣṇu, being the source of all benedictions, is the supreme husband and can thus fulfill all the desires of His wife.

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