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Text 33

babhāṣa ṛṣabhaṁ puṁsāṁ
vīkṣantī bhagavan-mukham
snigdhāpāṅgena bhārata

babhāṣa — she spoke; ṛṣabham — to the most eminent; puṁsām — of males; vīkṣantī — looking upon; bhagavat — of the Supreme Lord; mukham — the face; sa-vrīḍa — shy; hāsa — with a smile; rucira — charming; snigdha — affectionate; apāṅgena — and with glances; bhārata — O descendant of Bharata.

Smiling bashfully as she cast charming, affectionate glances upon the face of the Lord, the best of males, Rukmiṇī spoke the following, O descendant of Bharata.

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