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Text 37

kaliṅga-rājaṁ tarasā
gṛhītvā daśame pade
dantān apātayat kruddho
yo ’hasad vivṛtair dvijaiḥ

kaliṅga-rājam — the King of Kaliṅga; tarasā — quickly; gṛhītvā — seizing; daśame — on his tenth; pade — step (as he tried to run away); dantān — his teeth; apātayat — He knocked out; kruddhaḥ — angry; yaḥ — who; ahasat — laughed; vivṛtaiḥ — with openly displayed; dvijaiḥ — teeth.

The King of Kaliṅga, who had laughed at Lord Balarāma and shown his teeth, tried to run away, but the furious Lord quickly seized him on his tenth step and knocked out all his teeth.

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