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Text 6

sa uttamaḥ-śloka-karābhimṛṣṭo
vihāya sadyaḥ kṛkalāsa-rūpam
svargy adbhutālaṅkaraṇāmbara-srak

saḥ — it; uttamaḥ-śloka — of the glorious Lord; kara — by the hand; abhimṛṣṭaḥ — touched; vihāya — giving up; sadyaḥ — immediately; kṛkalāsa — of a lizard; rūpam — the form; santapta — molten; cāmīkara — of gold; caru — beautiful; varṇaḥ — whose complexion; svargī — a resident of heaven; adbhuta — amazing; alaṅkaraṇa — whose ornaments; ambara — clothing; srak — and garlands.

Touched by the hand of the glorious Supreme Lord, the being at once gave up its lizard form and assumed that of a resident of heaven. His complexion was beautifully colored like molten gold, and he was adorned with wonderful ornaments, clothes and garlands.

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