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Text 11

duṣṭaḥ śākhā-mṛgaḥ śākhām
ārūḍhaḥ kampayan drumān
cakre kilakilā-śabdam
ātmānaṁ sampradarśayan

duṣṭaḥ — mischievous; śākhā-mṛgaḥ — the ape (“the animal who lives on branches”); śākhām — a branch; ārūḍhaḥ — having climbed; kampayan — shaking; drumān — trees; cakre — he made; kilakilā-śabdam — the sound kilakilā; ātmānam — himself; sampradarśayan — showing.

The mischievous ape climbed a tree branch and then revealed his presence by shaking the trees and making the sound kilakilā.

The word śākhā-mṛga indicates that the ape Dvivida, like ordinary apes, was naturally inclined to climb trees. Śrīla Prabhupāda writes: “This gorilla by the name Dvivida could climb up into the trees and jump from one branch to another. Sometimes he would jerk the branches, creating a particular type of sound — kilakilā — so that Lord Balarāma was greatly distracted from the pleasing atmosphere.”

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