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Texts 19-21

vireje rakta-dhārayā
girir yathā gairikayā
prahāraṁ nānucintayan

punar anyaṁ samutkṣipya
kṛtvā niṣpatram ojasā
tenāhanat su-saṅkruddhas
taṁ balaḥ śatadhācchinat

tato ’nyena ruṣā jaghne
taṁ cāpi śatadhācchinat

mūṣala — by the club; āhata — struck; mastiṣkaḥ — his skull; vireje — he appeared brilliant; rakta — of blood; dhārayā — with the downpour; giriḥ — a mountain; yathā — like; gairikayā — with red oxide; prahāram — the blow; na — not; anucintayan — regarding seriously; punaḥ — again; anyam — another (tree); samutkṣipya — uprooting; kṛtvā — making; niṣpatram — devoid of leaves; ojasā — forcefully; tena — with it; ahanat — he struck; su-saṅkruddhaḥ — totally angered; tam — it; balaḥ — Lord Balarāma; śatadhā — into hundreds of pieces; acchinat — shattered; tataḥ — then; anyena — with another; ruṣā — furiously; jaghne — smashed; tam — it; ca — and; api — also; śatadhā — into hundreds of pieces; acchinat — He broke.

Struck on the skull by the Lord’s club, Dvivida became brilliantly decorated by the outpour of blood, like a mountain beautified by red oxide. Ignoring the wound, Dvivida uprooted another tree, stripped it of leaves by brute force and struck the Lord again. Now enraged, Lord Balarāma shattered the tree into hundreds of pieces, upon which Dvivida grabbed yet another tree and furiously hit the Lord again. This tree, too, the Lord smashed into hundreds of pieces.

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