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Text 27

taṁ mātuleyaṁ parirabhya nirvṛto
bhīmaḥ smayan prema-jalākulendriyaḥ
yamau kirīṭī ca suhṛttamaṁ mudā
pravṛddha-bāṣpāḥ parirebhire ’cyutam

tam — Him; mātuleyam — his mother’s brother’s son; parirabhya — embracing; nirvṛtaḥ — filled with joy; bhīmaḥ — Bhīmasena; smayan — laughing; prema — due to love; jala — with the water (tears); ākula — filled; indriyaḥ — whose eyes; yamau — the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva); kirītī — Arjuna; ca — and; suhṛt-tamam — their dearmost friend; mudā — with pleasure; pravṛddha — profuse; bāṣpāḥ — whose tears; parirebhire — they embraced; acyutam — the infallible Lord.

Then Bhīma, his eyes brimming with tears, laughed with joy as he embraced his maternal cousin, Kṛṣṇa. Arjuna and the twins — Nakula and Sahadeva — also joyfully embraced their dearmost friend, the infallible Lord, and they cried profusely.

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