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Text 31

jarāsandhaṁ ghātayitvā
bhīmasenena keśavaḥ
pārthābhyāṁ saṁyutaḥ prāyāt
sahadevena pūjitaḥ

jarāsandham — Jarāsandha; ghātayitvā — having had killed; bhīmasenena — by Bhīmasena; keśavaḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa; pārthābhyam — by the two sons of Pṛthā (Bhīma and Arjuna); saṁyutaḥ — accompanied; prāyāt — He departed; sahadevena — by Sahadeva; pūjitaḥ — worshiped.

Having arranged for Bhīmasena to kill Jarāsandha, Lord Keśava accepted worship from King Sahadeva and then departed with the two sons of Pṛthā.

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