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Text 9

nainaṁ nāthānusūyāmo
māgadhaṁ madhusūdana
anugraho yad bhavato
rājñāṁ rājya-cyutir vibho

na — not; enam — with this; nātha — O master; anusūyāmaḥ — do we find fault; māgadham — the King of Magadha; madhusūdana — O Kṛṣṇa; anugrahaḥ — mercy; yat — since; bhavataḥ — Your; rājñām — of kings; rājya — from their dominion; cyutiḥ — the falling; vibho — O almighty one.

O master, Madhusūdana, we do not blame this King of Magadha, since it is actually by Your mercy that kings fall from their royal position, O almighty Lord.

It is significant that upon seeing Lord Kṛṣṇa and thus becoming purified of their sins, the kings did not feel any mundane hatred or bitterness toward Jarāsandha, who had imprisoned them. Simply by seeing Lord Kṛṣṇa, the kings came to the position of Kṛṣṇa consciousness and spoke these verses, which show deep spiritual wisdom.

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