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Text 36

jahāra tenaiva śiraḥ sa-kuṇḍalaṁ
kirīṭa-yuktaṁ puru-māyino hariḥ
vajreṇa vṛtrasya yathā purandaro
babhūva hāheti vacas tadā nṛṇām

jahāra — He removed; tena — with it; eva — indeed; śiraḥ — the head; sa — with; kuṇḍalam — earrings; kirīṭa — crown; yuktam — wearing; puru — vast; māyinaḥ — of the possessor of magical powers; hariḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa; vajreṇa — with his thunderbolt weapon; vṛtrasya — of Vṛtrāsura; yathā — as; purandaraḥ — Lord Indra; babhūva — there arose; hā-hā iti — “alas, alas”; vacaḥ — voices; tadā — then; nṛṇām — of (Śālva’s) men.

Employing His disc, Lord Hari removed that great magician’s head with its earrings and crown, just as Purandara had used his thunderbolt to cut off Vṛtra’s head. Seeing this, all of Śālva’s followers cried out, “Alas, alas!”

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