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Text 31

tebhyo viśuddhaṁ vijñānaṁ
bhagavān vyatarad vibhuḥ
yenaivātmany ado viśvam
ātmānaṁ viśva-gaṁ viduḥ

tebhyaḥ — upon them; viśuddham — perfectly pure; vijñānam — divine knowledge; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; vyatarat — bestowed; vibhuḥ — the Almighty; yena — by which; eva — indeed; ātmani — within Himself, the Supreme Lord; adaḥ — this; viśvam — universe; ātmānam — Himself; viśva-gam — pervading the universe; viduḥ — they could perceive.

The all-powerful Lord Balarāma bestowed upon the sages pure spiritual knowledge, by which they could see the whole universe within Him and also see Him pervading everything.

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