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Text 50

astv ity uktaḥ sa bhagavān
vraje droṇo mahā-yaśāḥ
jajñe nanda iti khyāto
yaśodā sā dharābhavat

astu — when Brahmā agreed, “Yes, it is all right”; iti uktaḥ — thus being ordered by him; saḥ — he (Droṇa); bhagavān — eternally the father of Kṛṣṇa (Bhagavān’s father is also Bhagavān); vraje — in Vrajabhūmi, Vṛndāvana; droṇaḥ — Droṇa, the most powerful Vasu; mahā-yaśāḥ — the very famous transcendentalist; jajñe — appeared; nandaḥ — as Nanda Mahārāja; iti — thus; khyātaḥ — is celebrated; yaśodā — as mother Yaśodā; — she; dharā — the same Dharā; abhavat — appeared.

When Brahmā said, “Yes, let it be so,” the most fortune Droṇa, who was equal to Bhagavān, appeared in Vrajapura, Vṛndāvana, as the most famous Nanda Mahārāja, and his wife, Dharā, appeared as mother Yaśodā.

Because whenever Kṛṣṇa appears on this earth He superficially needs a father and mother, Droṇa and Dharā, His eternal father and mother, appeared on earth before Kṛṣṇa as Nanda Mahārāja and Yaśodā. In contrast to Sutapā and Pṛśni, they did not undergo severe penances and austerities to become the father and mother of Kṛṣṇa. This is the difference between nitya-siddha and sādhana-siddha.

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