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Text 19

brahma te hṛdayaṁ śuklaṁ
yatropalabdhaṁ sad vyaktam
avyaktaṁ ca tataḥ param

brahma — the Vedas; te — Your; hṛdayam — heart; śuklam — pure; tapaḥ — by austerities; svādhyāya — study; saṁyamaiḥ — and self-control; yatra — in which; upalabdham — perceived; sat — pure spiritual existence; vyaktam — the manifest (products of material creation); avyaktam — the unmanifest (subtle causes of creation); ca — and; tataḥ — to that; param — transcendental.

The Vedas are Your spotless heart, and through them one can perceive — by means of austerity, study and self-control — the manifest, the unmanifest and the pure existence transcendental to both.

Vyakta, “the manifest,” consists of the visible things of this world, and avyakta consists of the subtle, underlying causes of cosmic creation. The Vedas point toward the transcendental realm of Brahman, which lies beyond all material cause and effect.

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