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Text 34

athocur munayo rājann
sarveṣāṁ śṛṇvatāṁ rājñāṁ

atha — then; ūcuḥ — said; munayaḥ — the sages; rājan — O King (Parīkṣit); ābhāṣya — speaking; ānaka-dundubhim — to Vasudeva; sarveṣām — all; śṛṇvatām — as they listened; rājñām — the kings; tathā eva — also; acyuta-rāmayoḥ — Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma.

[Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued:] The sages then spoke again, O King, addressing Vasudeva while all the kings, along with Lord Acyuta and Lord Rāma, listened.

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