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Text 13
vṛttir bhūtāni bhūtānāṁ
carāṇām acarāṇi ca
kṛtā svena nṛṇāṁ tatra
kāmāc codanayāpi vā
vṛttiḥ — the sustenance; bhūtāni — living beings; bhūtānām — of living beings; carāṇām — of those that move; acarāṇi — those that do not move; ca — and; kṛtā — executed; svena — by one’s own conditioned nature; nṛṇām — for human beings; tatra — therein; kāmāt — out of lust; codanayā — in pursuit of Vedic injunction; api — indeed; vā — or.
Vṛtti means the process of sustenance, by which the moving beings live upon the nonmoving. For a human, vṛtti specifically means acting for one’s livelihood in a manner suited to his personal nature. Such action may be carried out either in pursuit of selfish desire or in accordance with the law of God.