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Text 7

evaṁ mālyavac-chikharān niṣpatantī tato ’nuparata-vegā ketumālam abhi cakṣuḥ pratīcyāṁ diśi sarit-patiṁ praviśati.

evam — in this way; mālyavat-śikharāt — from the top of Mālyavān Mountain; niṣpatantī — falling down; tataḥ — thereafter; anuparata-vegā — whose force is uninterrupted; ketumālam abhi — into the land known as Ketumāla-varṣa; cakṣuḥ — the branch known as Cakṣu; pratīcyām — in the west; diśi — direction; sarit-patim — the ocean; praviśati — enters into.

The branch of the Ganges known as Cakṣu falls onto the summit of Mālyavān Mountain and from there cascades onto the land of Ketumāla-varṣa. The Ganges flows incessantly through Ketumāla-varṣa and in this way also reaches the ocean of salt water in the west.

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