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Text 34

tadā ca khe dundubhayo vinedur
gandharva-siddhāḥ samaharṣi-saṅghāḥ
vārtra-ghna-liṅgais tam abhiṣṭuvānā
mantrair mudā kusumair abhyavarṣan

tadā — at that time; ca — also; khe — in the higher planetary systems in the sky; dundubhayaḥ — the kettledrums; vineduḥ — sounded; gandharva — the Gandharvas; siddhāḥ — and the Siddhas; sa-maharṣi-saṅghāḥ — with the assembly of saintly persons; vārtra-ghna-liṅgaiḥ — celebrating the prowess of the killer of Vṛtrāsura; tam — him (Indra); abhiṣṭuvānāḥ — praising; mantraiḥ — by various mantras; mudā — with great pleasure; kusumaiḥ — with flowers; abhyavarṣan — showered.

When Vṛtrāsura was killed, the Gandharvas and Siddhas in the heavenly planets beat kettledrums in jubilation. With Vedic hymns they celebrated the prowess of Indra, the killer of Vṛtrāsura, praising Indra and showering flowers upon him with great pleasure.

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