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Text 20
tadaiva te paraṁ jñānaṁ
dadāmi gṛham āgataḥ
jñātvānyābhiniveśaṁ te
putram eva dadāmy aham
tadā — then; eva — indeed; te — unto you; param — transcendental; jñānam — knowledge; dadāmi — I would have delivered; gṛham — to your home; āgataḥ — came; jñātvā — knowing; anya-abhiniveśam — absorption in something else (in material things); te — your; putram — a son; eva — only; dadāmi — gave; aham — I.
When I first came to your home, I could have given you the supreme transcendental knowledge, but when I saw that your mind was absorbed in material things, I gave you only a son, who caused you jubilation and lamentation.