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Text 4

śrī-ṛṣir uvāca
manavo ’smin vyatītāḥ ṣaṭ
kalpe svāyambhuvādayaḥ
ādyas te kathito yatra
devādīnāṁ ca sambhavaḥ

śrī-ṛṣiḥ uvāca — the great saint Śukadeva Gosvāmī said; manavaḥ — Manus; asmin — during this period (one day of Brahmā); vyatītāḥ — already past; ṣaṭ — six; kalpe — in this duration of Brahmā’s day; svāyambhuva — Svāyambhuva Manu; ādayaḥ — and others; ādyaḥ — the first one (Svāyambhuva); te — unto you; kathitaḥ — I have already described; yatra — wherein; deva-ādīnām — of all the demigods; ca — also; sambhavaḥ — the appearance.

Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: In the present kalpa there have already been six Manus. I have described to you Svāyambhuva Manu and the appearance of many demigods. In this kalpa of Brahmā, Svāyambhuva is the first Manu.

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