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Text 103

ei mata bhakta-tati,yāṅra yei deśe sthiti,
tāhāṅ tāhāṅ pāñā mano-bale
nāce, kare saṅkīrtana,
ānande vihvala mana,
dāna kare grahaṇera chale

ei mata — in this way; bhakta-tati — all the devotees there; yāṅra — whose; yei — whichever; deśe — in the country; sthiti — resident; tāhāṅ tāhāṅ — there and there; pāñā — taking advantage; manaḥ-bale — by the strength of the mind; nāce — dance; kare saṅkīrtana — perform saṅkīrtana; ānande — in joyfulness; vihvala — overwhelmed; mana — mind; dāna — in charity; kare — give; grahaṇera — of the lunar eclipse; chale — on the pretense.

In this way all the devotees, wherever they were situated, in every city and every country, danced, performed saṅkīrtana and gave charity by mental strength on the plea of the lunar eclipse, their minds overwhelmed with joy.

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