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Text 14
gārhasthye prabhura līlā — ‘ādi’-līlākhyāna
‘madhya’- ‘antya’-līlā — śeṣa-līlāra dui nāma
gārhasthye — in household life; prabhura — of the Lord; līlā — pastimes; ādi — the original; līlā — pastimes; ākhyāna — has the name of; madhya — middle; antya — last; līlā — pastimes; śeṣa-līlāra — the last part of the pastimes; dui — two; nāma — names.
The pastimes of His household life are known as the ādi-līlā, or the original pastimes. His later pastimes are known as the madhya-līlā and antya-līlā, or the middle and final pastimes.