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Text 110
prabhu hāsi’ kailā, — tumi kichu nā jānilā
pūrve āmi āchilāṅ jātite goyālā
prabhu — the Lord; hāsi’ — smiling; kailā — said; tumi — you; kichu — anything; nā — not; jānilā — know; pūrve — in the past; āmi — I; āchilāṅ — was; jātite — by caste; goyālā — cowherd.
When the astrologer was speaking so highly of Him, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu stopped him and began to smile. “My dear sir,” He said, “I think you do not know very clearly what I was, for I know that in My previous birth I was a cowherd boy.