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Text 327
ṣoḍaśa paricchede ‘kaiśora-līlā’ra uddeśa
saptadaśe ‘yauvana-līlā’ kahiluṅ viśeṣa
ṣoḍaśa — sixteenth; paricchede — in the chapter; kaiśora-līlāra — of pastimes prior to youth; uddeśa — indication; saptadaśe — in the seventeenth chapter; yauvana-līlā — the pastimes of youth; kahiluṅ — I have stated; viśeṣa — specifically.
In the sixteenth chapter I have indicated the pastimes of the kaiśora age [the age prior to youth]. In the seventeenth chapter I have specifically described His youthful pastimes.