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śrī-caitanya-prabhuṁ vande
saṅgṛhṇāty ākara-vrātād
ajñaḥ siddhānta-san-maṇīn

śrī-caitanya-prabhum — to Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu; vande — I offer my respectful obeisances; yat — of whom; pāda-āśraya — of the shelter of the lotus feet; vīryataḥ — from the power; saṅgṛhṇāti — collects; ākara-vrātāt — from the multitude of mines in the form of scriptures; ajñaḥ — a fool; siddhānta — of conclusion; sat-maṇīn — the best jewels.

I offer my respectful obeisances to Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu. By the potency of the shelter of His lotus feet, even a fool can collect the valuable jewels of conclusive truth from the mines of the revealed scriptures.

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