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Text 104

jalasya culukena vā
vikrīṇīte svam ātmānaṁ
bhaktebhyo bhakta-vatsalaḥ

tulasī — of tulasī; dala — a leaf; mātreṇa — by only; jalasya — of water; culukena — by a palmful; — and; vikrīṇīte — sells; svam — His own; ātmānam — self; bhaktebhyaḥ — unto the devotees; bhakta-vatsalaḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa, who is affectionate to His devotees.

“Śrī Kṛṣṇa, who is very affectionate toward His devotees, sells Himself to a devotee who offers Him merely a tulasī leaf and a palmful of water.”

This is a verse from the Gautamīya-tantra.

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