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Text 83

aham eva kvacid brahman
sannyāsāśramam āśritaḥ
hari-bhaktiṁ grāhayāmi
kalau pāpa-hatān narān

aham — I; eva — certainly; kvacit — somewhere; brahman — O brāhmaṇa; sannyāsa-āśramam — the renounced order of life; āśritaḥ — taking recourse to; hari-bhaktim — devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead; grāhayāmi — I shall give; kalau — in the Age of Kali; pāpa-hatān — sinful; narān — to men.

“O learned brāhmaṇa, sometimes I accept the renounced order of life to induce the fallen people of the Age of Kali to accept devotional service to the Lord.”

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