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Text 202

aṅga-stambhārambham uttuṅgayantaṁ
premānandaṁ dāruko nābhyanandat
kaṁsārāter vījane yena sākṣād
akṣodīyān antarāyo vyadhāyi

aṅga — of the limbs; stambha-ārambham — the beginning of stupefaction; uttuṅgayantam — which was causing him to reach; prema-ānandam — the joy of love; dārukaḥ — Dāruka, the Lord’s chariot driver; na — not; abhyanandat — welcomed; kaṁsa-arāteḥ — of Lord Kṛṣṇa, the enemy of Kaṁsa; vījane — in fanning with a cāmara fan; yena — by which; sākṣāt — clearly; akṣodīyān — greater; antarāyaḥ — obstacle; vyadhāyi — has been created.

“Śrī Dāruka did not relish his ecstatic feelings of love, for they caused his limbs to become stunned and thus obstructed his service of fanning Lord Kṛṣṇa.”

This verse is from the Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (3.2.62).

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