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Text 189

hriyam avagṛhya gṛhebhyaḥ karṣati rādhāṁ vanāya yā nipuṇā
sā jayati nisṛṣṭārthā vara-vaṁśaja-kākalī dūtī

hriyam — bashfulness; avagṛhya — impeding; gṛhebhyaḥ — from private houses; karṣati — attracts; rādhām — Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī; vanāya — to the forest; — which; nipuṇā — being expert; — that; jayati — let it be glorified; nisṛṣṭa-arthā — authorized; vara-vaṁśa-ja — of the bamboo flute; kākalī — the sweet tone; dūtī — the messenger.

‘May the sweet sound of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s flute, His authorized messenger, be glorified, for it expertly releases Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī from Her shyness and attracts Her from Her home to the forest.’

This verse from the Lalita-mādhava (1.24) is spoken by Gārgī, the daughter of Garga Muni.

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