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Text 33
kaccit tulasi kalyāṇi
saha tvāli-kulair bibhrad
dṛṣṭas te ’ti-priyo ’cyutaḥ
kaccit — whether; tulasi — O tulasī plant; kalyāṇi — all-auspicious; govinda-caraṇa — to Govinda’s lotus feet; priye — very dear; saha — with; tvā — you; ali-kulaiḥ — bumblebees; bibhrat — bearing; dṛṣṭaḥ — has been seen; te — your; ati-priyaḥ — very dear; acyutaḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa.
“ ‘O all-auspicious tulasī plant, you are very dear to Govinda’s lotus feet, and He is very dear to you. Have you seen Kṛṣṇa walking here wearing a garland of your leaves, surrounded by a swarm of bumblebees?