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Text 68

kampa, svara-bhaṅga, sveda, vaivarṇya, stambha
aśru-dhārāya bhije loka, pulaka-kadamba

kampa — trembling; svara-bhaṅga — faltering voice; sveda — perspiration; vaivarṇya — fading of bodily color; stambha — becoming stunned; aśru-dhārāya — with showers of tears from the eyes; bhije — wet; loka — all the people; pulaka-kadamba — eruptions on the body like kadamba flowers.

Ecstatic spiritual transformations began to take place in the Lord’s body. His body trembled, and His voice faltered. He perspired, turned pale and wept a constant flow of tears, which wet all the people standing there. The eruptions on the Lord’s body appeared like kadamba flowers.

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