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Text 36

mattaṁ pramattam unmattaṁ
suptaṁ bālaṁ striyaṁ jaḍam
prapannaṁ virathaṁ bhītaṁ
na ripuṁ hanti dharma-vit

mattam — careless; pramattam — intoxicated; unmattam — insane; suptam — asleep; bālam — boy; striyam — woman; jaḍam — foolish; prapannam — surrendered; viratham — one who has lost his chariot; bhītam — afraid; na — not; ripum — enemy; hanti — kill; dharma-vit — one who knows the principles of religion.

宗教の原則を知っている人物は敵であっても、油断している者、酔っ払っている 者、正気でない者、眠っている者、恐れている者、または二輪戦車を放棄した者を殺しはしない。同様に少年、女性、愚かな生き物、または降伏した者もまた殺さないのだ。

An enemy who does not resist is never killed by a warrior who knows the principles of religion. Formerly battles were fought on the principles of religion and not for the sake of sense gratification. If the enemy happened to be intoxicated, asleep, etc., as above mentioned, he was never to be killed. These are some of the codes of religious war. Formerly war was never declared by the whims of selfish political leaders; it was carried out on religious principles free from all vices. Violence carried out on religious principles is far superior to so-called nonviolence.

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