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Text 36

yātāśu bāliśā maivaṁ
prārthyaṁ yadi jijīvīṣā
badhnanti ghnanti lumpanti
dṛptaṁ rāja-kulāni vai

yāta — go; āśu — quickly; bāliśaḥ — fools; — do not; evam — like this; prārthyam — beg; yadi — if; jijīviṣā — You have the desire to live; badhnanti — they tie up; ghnanti — kill; lumpanti — and loot (his house); dṛptam — one who is bold; rāja-kulāni — the King’s men; vai — indeed.

Fools, get out of here quickly! Don’t beg like this if You want to stay alive. When someone is too bold, the King’s men arrest him and kill him and take all his property.

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