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Text 2

hastābhyāṁ hastayor baddhvā
padbhyām eva ca pādayoḥ
vicakarṣatur anyonyaṁ
prasahya vijigīṣayā

hastābhyām — with their hands; hastayoḥ — by the hands; baddhvā — seizing; padbhyām — with their legs; eva ca — also; pādayoḥ — by the legs; vicakarṣatuḥ — they (Kṛṣṇa paired with Cāṇūra, and Balarāma with Muṣṭika) dragged; anyonyam — each other; prasahya — with force; vijigīṣayā — with desire for victory.

Seizing each other’s hands and locking legs with each other, the opponents struggled powerfully, eager for victory.

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