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Text 38

kā tvā mukunda mahatī kula-śīla-rūpa-
vidyā-vayo-draviṇa-dhāmabhir ātma-tulyam
dhīrā patiṁ kulavatī na vṛṇīta kanyā
kāle nṛ-siṁha nara-loka-mano-’bhirāmam

— who; tvā — You; mukunda — O Kṛṣṇa; mahatī — aristocratic; kula — in terms of family background; śīla — character; rūpa — beauty; vidyā — knowledge; vayaḥ — youth; draviṇa — property; dhāmabhiḥ — and influence; ātma — to Yourself only; tulyam — equal; dhīrā — who is sober; patim — as her husband; kula-vatī — of a good family; na vṛṇīta — would not choose; kanyā — marriageable young lady; kāle — at such a time; nṛ — among men; siṁha — O lion; nara-loka — of human society; manaḥ — to the minds; abhirāmam — who give pleasure.

O Mukunda, You are equal only to Yourself in lineage, character, beauty, knowledge, youthfulness, wealth and influence. O lion among men, You delight the minds of all mankind. What aristocratic, sober-minded and marriageable girl of a good family would not choose You as her husband when the proper time has come?

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