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Text 5

evaṁ bhinna-matis tābhyāṁ
satrājitam asattamaḥ
śayānam avadhīl lobhāt
sa pāpaḥ kṣīṇa jīvitaḥ

evam — thus; bhinna — affected; matiḥ — whose mind; tābhyām — by the two of them; satrājitam — Satrājit; asat-tamaḥ — the most wicked; śayānam — sleeping; avadhīt — killed; lobhāt — out of greed; saḥ — he; pāpaḥ — sinful; kṣīṇa — diminished; jīvitaḥ — whose life span.

His mind thus influenced by their advice, wicked Śatadhanvā murdered Satrājit in his sleep simply out of greed. In this way the sinful Śatadhanvā shortened his own life span.

According to Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī, the word asattamaḥ indicates that Śatadhanvā was basically evil-minded and a firm hater of Satrājit.

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