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Texts 50-51

pāribarham adād vibhuḥ
yuvatīnāṁ tri-sāhasraṁ

nāgāc chata-guṇān rathān
rathāc chata-guṇān aśvān
aśvāc chata-guṇān narān

daśa — ten; dhenu — of cows; sahasrāṇi — thousands; pāribarham — wedding gift; adāt — gave; vibhuḥ — the powerful (King Nagnajit); yuvatīnām — of young women; tri-sāhasram — three thousand; niṣka — golden ornaments; grīva — on whose necks; su — excellent; vāsasam — whose dress; nava — nine; nāga — of elephants; sahasrāṇi — thousands; nāgāt — than the elephants; śata-guṇān — one hundred times more (nine hundred thousand); rathān — chariots; rathāt — than the chariots; śata-guṇān — one hundred times more (ninety million); aśvān — horses; aśvāt — than the horses; śata-guṇān — one hundred times more (nine billion); narān — men.

As the dowry, powerful King Nagnajit gave ten thousand cows, three thousand young maidservants wearing golden ornaments on their necks and bedecked in fine clothing, nine thousand elephants, a hundred times as many chariots as elephants, a hundred times as many horses as chariots, and a hundred times as many manservants as horses.

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