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Text 17

athātmano ’nurūpaṁ vai
bhajasva kṣatriyarṣabham
yena tvam āśiṣaḥ satyā
ihāmutra ca lapsyase

atha — now; ātmanaḥ — for yourself; anurūpam — suitable; vai — indeed; bhajasva — please accept; kṣatriya-ṛṣabham — a first-class man of the royal order; yena — by whom; tvam — you; āśiṣaḥ — hopes; satyāḥ — becoming fulfilled; iha — in this life; amutra — in the next life; ca — also; lapsyase — will obtain.

Now you should definitely accept a more suitable husband, a first-class man of the royal order who can help you achieve everything you want, both in this life and the next.

Lord Kṛṣṇa continues to tease His beautiful wife, trying to provoke her loving anger.

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