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Text 22

tato dṛṣadvatīṁ tīrtvā
mukundo ’tha sarasvatīm
pañcālān atha matsyāṁś ca
śakra-prastham athāgamat

tataḥ — then; dṛṣadvatīm — the river Dṛṣadvatī; tīrtvā — crossing; mukundaḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa; atha — then; sarasvatīm — the river Sarasvatī; pañcālān — the Pañcāla province; atha — then; matsyān — the Matsya province; ca — also; śakra-prastham — to Indraprastha; atha — and; āgamat — He came.

After crossing the rivers Dṛṣadvatī and Sarasvatī, He passed through Pañcāla and Matsya and finally came to Indraprastha.

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