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Text 36

yayātinaiṣāṁ hi kulaṁ
śaptaṁ sadbhir bahiṣ-kṛtam
vṛthā-pāna-rataṁ śaśvat
saparyāṁ katham arhati

yayātinā — by Yayāti; eṣām — their; hi — indeed; kulam — dynasty; śaptam — was cursed; sadbhiḥ — by well-behaved persons; bahiḥ-kṛtam — ostracized; vṛthā — wantonly; pāna — to drinking; ratam — addicted; śaśvat — always; saparyām — worship; katham — how; arhati — does He deserve.

Yayāti cursed the dynasty of these Yādavas, and ever since then they have been ostracized by honest men and addicted to liquor. How, then, does Kṛṣṇa deserve to be worshiped?

Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī gives the inner meaning of the words of Śiśupāla to show how he continued unintentionally glorifying Lord Kṛṣṇa and His Yadu dynasty: “Even though the Yadus were cursed by Yayāti, they have been relieved [bahis-kṛtam] of this curse by great saints, and consequently they have been raised to a position of royal sovereignty by such persons as Kārtavīrya. Thus they have become absorbed in pāna, protecting the earth. Considering all this, how does Kṛṣṇa, the chief of the Yadus, deserve useless [vṛthā] worship? Rather, He deserves opulent worship.”

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