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Text 34

tat kṛṣṇa-hasteritayā vicūrṇitaṁ
papāta toye gadayā sahasradhā
visṛjya tad bhū-talam āsthito gadām
udyamya śālvo ’cyutam abhyagād drutam

tat — that (Saubha); kṛṣṇa-hasta — by Lord Kṛṣṇa’s hand; īritayā — wielded; vicūrṇitam — shattered; papāta — it fell; toye — into the water; gadayā — by the club; sahasradhā — into thousands of pieces; visṛjya — abandoning; tat — it; bhū-talam — on the ground; āsthitaḥ — standing; gadām — his club; udyamya — taking up; śālvaḥ — Śālva; acyutam — Lord Kṛṣṇa; abhyagāt — attacked; drutam — swiftly.

Shattered into thousands of pieces by Lord Kṛṣṇa’s club, the Saubha airship plummeted into the water. Śālva abandoned it, stationed himself on the ground, took up his club and rushed toward Lord Acyuta.

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