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Text 17

mamāpi rājñy acyuta-janma-karma
śrutvā muhur nārada-gītam āsa ha
cittaṁ mukunde kila padma-hastayā
vṛtaḥ su-sammṛśya vihāya loka-pān

śrī-lakṣmaṇā uvāca — Śrī Lakṣmaṇā said; mama — my; api — also; rājñi — O Queen; acyuta — of Lord Kṛṣṇa; janma — about the births; karma — and activities; śrutvā — hearing; muhuḥ — repeatedly; nārada — by Nārada Muni; gītam — chanted; āsa ha — became; cittam — my heart; mukunde — (fixed) upon Mukunda; kila — indeed; padma-hastayā — by the supreme goddess of fortune, who holds a lotus in her hand; vṛtaḥ — chosen; su — carefully; sammṛśya — considering; vihāya — rejecting; loka — of planets; pān — the rulers.

Śrī Lakṣmaṇā said: O Queen, I repeatedly heard Nārada Muni glorify the appearances and activities of Acyuta, and thus my heart also became attached to that Lord, Mukunda. Indeed, even Goddess Padmahastā chose Him as her husband after careful consideration, rejecting the great demigods who rule various planets.

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