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Text 20
śrutvaitat sarvato bhū-pā
āyayur mat-pituḥ puram
sopādhyāyāḥ sahasraśaḥ
śrutvā — hearing; etat — of this; sarvataḥ — from everywhere; bhū-pāḥ — kings; āyayuḥ — came; mat — my; pituḥ — of the father; puram — to the city; sarva — all; astra — concerning weapons shot as arrows; śastra — and other weapons; tattva — of the science; jñāḥ — expert knowers; sa — along with; upādhyāyāḥ — their teachers; sahasraśaḥ — by the thousands.
Hearing of this, thousands of kings expert in shooting arrows and in wielding other weapons converged from all directions on my father’s city, accompanied by their military teachers.