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Texts 60-61

ity ādiṣṭau bhagavatā
tau kṛṣṇau parame-ṣṭhinā
om ity ānamya bhūmānam
ādāya dvija-dārakān

nyavartetāṁ svakaṁ dhāma
samprahṛṣṭau yathā-gatam
viprāya dadatuḥ putrān
yathā-rūpaṁ yathā-vayaḥ

iti — with these words; ādiṣṭau — instructed; bhagavatā — by the Personality of Godhead; tau — they; kṛṣṇau — the two Kṛṣṇas (Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna); parame-ṣṭhinā — by the Lord of the supreme kingdom; om iti — chanting om to signify their agreement; ānamya — bowing down; bhūmānam — to the almighty Lord; ādāya — and taking; dvija — of the brāhmaṇa; dārakān — the sons; nyavartetām — they returned; svakam — their own; dhāma — to the abode (Dvārakā); samprahṛṣṭau — elated; yathā — in the same way; gatam — as they came; viprāya — to the brāhmaṇa; dadatuḥ — they gave; putrān — his sons; yathā — in the same; rūpam — forms; yathā — with the same; vayaḥ — age.

Thus instructed by the Supreme Lord of the topmost planet, Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna assented by chanting om, and then they bowed down to almighty Lord Mahā-Viṣṇu. Taking the brāhmaṇa’s sons with them, they returned with great delight to Dvārakā by the same path along which they had come. There they presented the brāhmaṇa with his sons, who were in the same infant bodies in which they had been lost.

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